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Definition of noun clause

Jumat, 27 April 2012
Noun clause is a clause that functions as a noun. Due to its function as a noun, then the noun clause can occupy the following positions:

1.      Subject of the sentence (subject of a sentence)
2.      Transitive verb object (object of a transitive verb)
3.      Prepositional object (object of a preposition)
4.      Complement (complement)
5.      Additional informants (noun in apposition)

For more details, look at the examples below!

Noun clause as subject of the sentence

·         What you said does not convince me at all.

·         How he Becomes so rich makes people curious.

·         What the salesman has said is untrue.

·         That the world is round is a fact.

Noun clauses as objects of transitive verbs

·         I know what you mean.
·         I do not understand what he is talking about.
·         He said his son That would study in Australia.

Verb that noun clause can be followed in this case, That clause include:
admit : mengakui
realize : menyadari
announce : mengumumkan
recommend : menganjurkan
believe : percaya
remember : ingat
deny : menyangkal
reveal : menyatakan, mengungkapkan
expect : mengharapkan
say : mengatakan
find : menemukan
see : melihat
forget : lupa
stipulate : menetapkan
hear : mendengar
suggest : menganjurkan
inform : memberitahukan
suppose : mengira
know : tahu, mengetahui
think : pikir, berpendapat
promise : berjanji
understand : mengerti
propose : mengusulkan
wish : ingin, berharap
wish: wish, hope

Noun clauses as objects of prepositions


·         Please listen to what your teacher is saying.
·         Budi pays full attention to how the native speaker is pronouncing the English
·         Be careful of what you're doing.

NounClauseas Supplemental

·         The good news is that? The culprit has been put into the jail.
·         This is what I want.
·         That is what you need.

Noun clause as a noun in apposition


·         The Idea That people can live without oxygen is unreasonable.
·         The fact Rudi always comes late That does not surprise me.

UlfaNurizqi Indah Amalia

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