---Processor= 733 MHz---
---RAM= 128 MB---
---Graphics Card= 32MB---
Spider-Man will let you play hero for a day, but be ready tofight with the game's weaknesses as well as its villains.
Once bitten, twice the guy. Thanks to the biteof an irradiated spider, budding boy genius Peter Parker suddenly finds himselfturned into a superhuman with the powers of a spider. The rest is comic bookhistory. As the Marvel Comics superhero Spider-Man, Parker has beenentertaining legions of fans for 40 years through a string of comic book titlesand animated series. If the Spider-Man game is any indication, the general loveaffair with all things Spidey burns as brightly as ever. Originally developedby Neversoft, the developer behind the hit Tony Hawk's Pro Skater series,Spider-Man first swung its way onto the PlayStation, and soon leapt to theNintendo 64, Game Boy Color, and Dreamcast. Now the third-personaction-adventure game has come to the PC to make true believers out of computergamers. Along the way, though, it's run into a few snags that often dampen thegame's more entertaining aspects.
He story, told through cutscenes, voice-overs,and in-game dialogue, opens at a conference held by the renowned Dr. OttoOctavius, who's preparing to demonstrate his latest invention. While the gooddoctor pontificates about the virtues of progress through technology,Spider-Man suddenly leaps onto the stage and makes off with Octavius' devicebefore the assembled crowd. Since the real Spider-Man, Peter Parker, standsamong the members of the press taking photos for the Daily Bugle newspaper, itcan only mean an imposter is at large and ruining Spidey's already tenuousreputation. Parker's jealous journalistic competition at the Bugle, EddieBrock, also witnesses the shocking event. The fact that Octavius is really thesupervillain Dr. Octopus and Brock plays host to an evil alien symbiote namedVenom can only mean more outlandish trouble for our wall-crawling hero. Thisgame takes classic superhero melodrama and unashamedly runs with it.
After the game's mysterious opening sequence,you begin your heroic adventures in New York City. You start by foiling a bankheist and then move up to greater challenges like evading a missile-firingpolice helicopter that chases after our framed hero. Later, you'll fightswarming lizardmen on top of a rushing subway train and battle alien symbiotesin the Daily Bugle. All told, there are eight main locations, like Manhattan'srooftops, a high-rise bank, and the New York City sewer system, making foraround 30 3D levels in all. Gameplay primarily revolves around platformjumping, a little stealth, and beating up lots and lots of bad guys. Duringyour adventures, you'll meet fellow heroes like Daredevil, Black Cat, and theHuman Torch who'll offer tips and villains like Scorpion, Rhino, and Venomwho'll beat you to a pulp if you're not quick with your webshooters.
No matter how smartly you play, be ready forsome hassles--the game uses a save point system instead of letting you savewhen you choose. Game designers seem to ignore the fact that in the real world,not all gamers have the luxury of playing for long, uninterrupted stretchesuntil they can reach a save point or the end of a level. At least you cantackle the game on four different difficulty levels, including a "kidmode" that simplifies the controls and gameplay for the younger set.
To foil villains and save the day, you'll employaround 18 moves. For simple problems, a number of simple solutions are on hand(or foot): You can jump, grab, punch, and kick your way out of the game'slesser binds. Thanks to that fateful spider bite, Spidey can perform all thesemoves with extraordinary strength and agility. These core moves can be linkedinto combos, like jumping punches or the "grab and kick," where yousneak up behind a villain, grab him, and then unceremoniously give him theboot. Of course, Spider-Man's chief claimsto fame, other than running around New York City in bright tights, are hismasterful web slinging talents. Here's where the game's combat gets interesting,thanks to Spider-Man's arsenal of clever web weapons. You can sling webs thattemporarily enmesh enemies or flick distant switches. If standard punchesaren't working for you, you can create spiked gloves out of your webbing foradded damage. You can borrow a page from Captain America's (comic) book andcreate your own web shield for defense. For pummeling villains from a distance,you can launch balls of webbing at them. If that doesn't get their attention,you can shoot a web line at them and yank them in the direction of yourchoosing. No matter what approach you use, you'll find that enemies aren'toverly bright; bad guys rely more on brute force than anything else."Mindless thugs” indeed.
As clever and entertaining as these diverseabilities often are, they don't get their full due because of the game'sawkward controls. Like many console ports, Spider-Man does little to take itsnew PC audience fully into account. You can control Spidey with the keyboard, ajoystick, or a gamepad, though your controller of choice should preferably haveat least six buttons. You'll need a spider's agility to master the keyboardapproach, though it grows a bit easier with time, and a joystick can feelclunky and unresponsive. A gamepad is your best bet since that's what theoriginal PlayStation game was designed to use. It's no secret, though, thatmany PC gamers don't own a gamepad for their computer since so few PC gamesrequire anything more than a mouse and keyboard. If you decide to use thekeyboard, you won't be able to use mouse-look, which is shame since that woulddramatically improve gameplay. As it stands, to aim accurately at distanttargets you need to activate a special targeting cursor that you can only movewith your chosen controller. Ideally, a small cursor should have been presentall the time to help orient your character and aim. No matter which controlleryou use, Spidey only turns in set increments instead of using a smooth range ofmotion, which feels unnatural and makes viewing specific areas or moving tothem harder than it should be. It can be quite the challenge to make Spider-Mando anything a spider can.
Like the controls, the camera needs more work.Overall, it does a fairly good job of following our hero, especiallyconsidering that he can run on floors, clamber up walls, and zip up to ceilingson a whim. Still, walls and objects will often block your view, sometimesmaking spotting enemies too difficult and falling off of skyscrapers too easy.Also, when you move Spidey onto a ceiling, the camera sometimes reorientsitself so that you view him from directly above instead of slightly behind,thanks to a temporarily translucent ceiling.
The effect can be a bitdisorienting when Spidey repeatedly switches from floors to walls to ceilings.
Spider-Man's simply textured, blocky graphicsand muddy cutscenes are distinctly underwhelming, if not outright poor. Some ofthe settings are bland and boring too--the dark, drab sewers in particular areoverused. Still, the graphics do at least evoke the look and feel of theclassic Spider-Man comics and cartoons. The same holds true for the game'saudio. The familiar opening theme song, updated from the '60s cartoon seriesand featuring an incredibly catchy bass riff, sets the right mood from the verystart. Spider-Man cocreator Stan Lee narrates the game in his authoritativestyle. Lee always sounds like he's having fun with his creation and doesn'ttake it dreadfully seriously. When he describes Peter Parker as a"sometimes neurotic" hero, you know that the writers aren't afraid togently laugh along with you at the essential silliness of the game's story andsuperhero conventions. It's all good-natured fun, though.
It's a shame that more time and effort couldn'thave been put into making this Spider-Man port better suited to the PC and thePC gaming audience, as well as improving some problems that hurt the originalgame. The awkward controls and camera in particular often take the wind out ofthe game's sails. At its best, Spider-Man immerses you in the colorful,enjoyably implausible Marvel Comics universe, and swinging between skyscrapersand firing off webs offer up plenty of adventurous, if shallow, thrills. Ifyou've ever wanted to play hero for a day, Spider-Man will let you, but beready to fight with the game's weaknesses as well as its villains.
In Specials, enter:(for pc)
Enemies Have Big Heads Code: JOELSPEANUTS
Play as Mary Jane Code: GIRLNEXTDOOR
Play as The Shocker Code: HERMANSCHULTZ
Play as a Scientist Code: SERUM
Play as a Police Officer Code: REALHERO
Play as Captain Stacey Code: CAPTAINSTACEY
Play as Thug Model 1 Code: KNUCKLES
Play as Thug Model 2 Code: STICKYRICE
Play as Thug Model 3 Code: THUGRUS
All Fighting Controls Code: KOALA
First Person View Code: UNDERTHEMASK
Infinite Webbing Code: ORGANICWEBBING
Big Head and Feet Code: GOESTOYOURHEAD
Small Spider-Man Code: SPIDERBYTE
Matrix-Style Attacks Code: DODGETHIS
Super Coolant Code: CHILLOUT
Goblin-Style Costume Code: FREAKOUT
Regular Levels,FMVs,Gallery Code: ARACHNID
Level Skip Code: ROMITAS
Level Select Code: IMIARMAS
Bonus Training Levels Code: HEADEXPLODY
Go to SPECIAL / CHEATS and enter the codes from the list.
Result Code
master code - eel nats
level select - xclsior
invincibility - rustcrst
full health - dcstur
unlimited webbing - strudl
all comic books - allsixcc
all gallery characters - cviewen
symbiote spidey costume - blkspider
spidey 2099 costume - twntyndn
Toon Spidey - FUNKYTWN
Stick Spidey - STICKMAN
Ben Reilly Costume - CLUBNOIR
invulnerable - ADMNTIUM
What If Contest - UATUSEES
Character Viewer - RGSGLLRY
Movie Viewer - CINEMA
Comic Collection - FANBOY
Level Select - MME WEB
Game Comic Covers - KIRBYFAN
Storyboard Viewer - ROBRTSON
Quick Change Costume - SM LVIII
Peter Parker Costume - MRWATSON
Amazing Bag Man Costume - KICK ME
Scarlet Spider Costume - XILRTRNS
Spidey Unlimited Costume - SYNOPTIC
Captain Universe Costume - TRISNTNL
spidey 2099 costume - MIGUELOH
symbiote spidey costume - SECRTWAR
James Jewett - RULUR
pulsating head - EGOTRIP
unlimited webbing - GLANDS
everything - LEANEST
full health - WEAKNESS